Photo: Kilian Homburg
Rising Stars – Organ matinée
Music by Saint-Saëns, Clara Schumann and more with Sebastian Heindl.
Don’t miss the opportunity to hear tomorrow’s classical music stars today. Rising Stars is a unique and forward-looking collaboration between 24 of Europe’s leading concert halls, all members of the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO). A handful of young musicians and ensembles from various countries are selected each year and given the opportunity to tour the concert halls and perform before international audiences. Experience shows that those who are selected as Rising Stars also have internationally successful careers.
Through Konserthuset’s popular organ matinée subscription, audiences get to hear prominent organists play the building’s organ – one of the largest in Europe, with 6,100 pipes. German organist Sebastian Heindl studied at the renowned conservatory in Leipzig and has enjoyed numerous successes in recent years. Through social media activity on YouTube, Heindl has generated interest in organ music among a large and young audience. He was nominated for Rising Stars by Konzerthaus Dortmund and Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.
Sebastian Heindl also creates his own transcriptions and we hear his organ version of the Liszt/Horowitz arrangement of Saint-Saëns’ Danse Macabre, and music from Pièces caractéristiques by Clara Schumann. We also hear his Rock-Toccata and Blues-Fugue, as well as a new composition by fellow countryman Moritz Eggert, commissioned by the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO).
The bar open before and after the concert.
You are welcome to eat or drink something before or after the organ concert. The bar in the Main Foyer is open at 11.45–12.15 and 13.15–14.15 and offers food and drink in our beautiful venue.
The music
Approximate times -
Sebastian Heindl Rock-Toccata and Blues-Fugue in c minor for organ15 min
Clara Schumann Caprice à la boléro from Quatre pièces caractéristiques, version for organ arr Sebastian Heindl5 min
Johann Sebastian Bach Italian Concerto in F major, version for organ arr Sebastian Heindl14 min
Camille Saint-Saëns Danse macabre arr Franz Liszt/Vladimir Horowitz, version for organ Sebastian Heindl10 min
Wilhelm Middelschulte Perpetuum mobile for organ3 min
- Sebastian Heindl organ
- Fredrik Andersson host