Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions or feedback regarding your visit, ticket booking or something else. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Box office
The box office is open for visitors Monday–Friday 12–18, Saturday 11–15 and normally two hours before concerts. Email:
Telephone services
Telephone services: Monday through Friday 11–17, and Saturday 11–14. Phone: +46 8 50 66 77 88.
Switchboard and reception
Phone: +46 0 8 786 02 00
Regular opening hours
Monday to Friday 8.30–17.00 and always during performances.
General enquiries
Rental services
Stage your event in the highly exclusive setting of Konserthuset Stockholm, a neoclassical architectural treasure located on Hötorget, right in the city centre.
Read more
Visiting addresses
- Main entrance: Hötorget
- Entrance to Grünewald Hall: Kungsgatan 43
- Entrance to Aulin Auditorium: Hötorget 12
- Entrance to lift: Kungsgatan 41
- Box office: corner of Sveavägen/Kungsgatan
- Reception and artists’ entrance: Hötorget 8
Find your way to Konserthuset Stockholm
Postal address
Konserthuset Stockholm
Box 7083
SE-103 87 Stockholm, Sweden
Delivery address
Konserthuset Stockholm
Hötorget 8
SE-111 57 Stockholm, Sweden
Contact details for Konserthuset Stockholm's administrative staff
Contact details for Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra's musicians