Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

With over 100 concerts a year and creative programming, it’s an orchestra constantly evolving. The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra has probably never been better.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra is today among the most active streaming players worldwide. With its digital platform Konserthuset Play, the orchestra offers a comprehensive library of filmed performances which are available for free streaming anywhere in the world.  

In the following sections, you can read more about the orchestra's history since 1902 – its historic chief conductors, guests and tours – and get acquainted with the members of the orchestra of today.

Concerts with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    Talented conductor from Colombia leads the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra in, among other things, a rare Mozart concerto for two pianos and orchestra.

    Thursday 8 August 2024 19.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    It's that time of the year, with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and brilliants guests. Bring your picnic!

    Sunday 11 August 2024 14.00
  • Genre: Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    The young Swedish soprano Jessica Elevant sings Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder.

    Thursday 15 August 2024 19.00