Photo: Geoffroy Schied
Echo Rising Stars with trumpet
British Matilda Lloyd with pianist Jonathan Ware.
Meet British trumpeter Matilda Lloyd, who has impressed both critics and audiences with her warm tone and expressive playing. Her debut album, "Casta Diva," released in 2023, received top ratings from BBC Music Magazine: "An album packed with highlights."
Together with pianist Jonathan Ware, Matilda Lloyd presents original music for trumpet and piano, including Enescu's diverse "Légende" and Desenclos's contrasting "Incantation," as well as beautiful and virtuosic arrangements featuring music by Glinka and Glière, among others. Additionally, they perform a newly composed piece by the acclaimed British composer Dani Howard.
Rising Stars is a unique and forward-looking collaboration between 24 of Europe’s leading concert halls, all members of the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO). A handful of young musicians and ensembles from various countries are selected each year and given the opportunity to tour the concert halls and perform before international audiences. Experience shows that those who are selected as Rising Stars also have internationally successful careers.
Matilda Lloyd was nominated for Rising Stars by the Barbican Centre in London and Konserthuset Stockholm.
The music
Approximate times -
Alfred Desenclos Incantation for trumpet and piano3 min
Pauline Viardot Havanaise, version for trumpet and piano5 min
George Enescu Légende for trumpet and piano7 min
Michail Glinka The Lark, version for piano arr Milij Balakirev6 min
Dani Howard Sonata ”Continuum”16 min
Intermission25 min
Alan Hovhaness Prayer of St. Gregory for trumpet and piano5 min
Rejngold Glière Andante from Concerto for coloratura soprano, version for trumpet and piano7 min
Enrique Granados Quejas, o La maja y el ruiseñor ”The Maiden and the Nightingale” from Goyescas for piano6 min
Manuel de Falla Siete canciones populares españolas, version for trumpet and piano10 min
Amy Beach For me the jasmine buds unfold op 19:1, version for trumpet and piano4 min
- Matilda Lloyd trumpet
- Jonathan Ware piano