Genre: Chamber music

New friday with string quartet and didgeridoo

The ancient in the new with music by, among others, Australian Peter Sculthorpe.

For the first time in Konserthuset, we get to hear music composed for the ancient Australian wind instrument, the didgeridoo. Both in a newly written piece for strings, didgeridoo, and oboe d'amore by Loke Risberg, and in the intensely vibrant sixteenth string quartet by Australian Peter Sculthorpe, where the instrument complements the four strings. Playing the didgeridoo, we have Björn Bohlin, a multi-instrumentalist who previously played English horn in the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra.

Gabriella Smith's Carrot Revolution is a tribute to the ability to find new ways to approach older artistic forms and expressions. "The piece is a patchwork of my very contrasting influences," she says.

The concert begins with Ghiribizzi for violin and cello by the Moldovan-Austrian composer and violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja. On her series of curiously explorative "ghiribizzi," she says: "It's not a tribute to Paganini, but I borrowed the title from his peculiar pieces for violin and guitar." Ghiribizz roughly translates to whims, quirks."

New Friday is the series for anyone who is curious and interested in exploring the new music of our era. Come early, stay late – the bar will be open before and after the concert with drinks and appetizers.

The ancient in the new with music by, among others, Australian Peter Sculthorpe.

Friday 4 April 2025 20.30

Ends approximately 21.30


230 SEK

For the first time in Konserthuset, we get to hear music composed for the ancient Australian wind instrument, the didgeridoo. Both in a newly written piece for strings, didgeridoo, and oboe d'amore by Loke Risberg, and in the intensely vibrant sixteenth string quartet by Australian Peter Sculthorpe, where the instrument complements the four strings. Playing the didgeridoo, we have Björn Bohlin, a multi-instrumentalist who previously played English horn in the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra.

Gabriella Smith's Carrot Revolution is a tribute to the ability to find new ways to approach older artistic forms and expressions. "The piece is a patchwork of my very contrasting influences," she says.

The concert begins with Ghiribizzi for violin and cello by the Moldovan-Austrian composer and violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja. On her series of curiously explorative "ghiribizzi," she says: "It's not a tribute to Paganini, but I borrowed the title from his peculiar pieces for violin and guitar." Ghiribizz roughly translates to whims, quirks."

New Friday is the series for anyone who is curious and interested in exploring the new music of our era. Come early, stay late – the bar will be open before and after the concert with drinks and appetizers.

  • The music

    Approximate times
  • Patricia Kopatjinskaja Ghiribizzi for violin and cello
    7 min
  • Loke Risberg New Work for strings, didgeridoo and oboe d’amore
    8 min
  • Gabriella Smith Carrot Revolution for string quartet
    12 min
  • Peter Sculthorpe String Quartet No. 16 with didgeridoo
    25 min
  • Participants

  • Björn Bohlin didgeridoo/oboe d’amore
  • Catherina Lee violin
  • Boris Brovtsyn violin
  • Yura Lee viola
  • Kristina Winiarski cello

Friday 4 April 2025 20.30

Ends approximately 21.30


230 SEK

Useful information for your visit.