Arne Stenlund

Member of the orchestra since 1985.
Arne Stenlund studied at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm with professor Bertil Appelbom. After graduating in 1981, he continued with an additional year of chamber music studies with Otto Kyndel and Kurt Lewin.
After several years as a musician with the Royal Swedish Orchestra and as section leader with the Gävleborg Symphony Orchestra, Arne Stenlund joined the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra in 1985. Arne Stenlund is an active chamber musician and has frequently appeared on stage in Konserthuset’s various chamber music subscriptions in Grünewald Hall, including Philharmonic Up-Close and Soup Concerts.
In addition to his position with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, Arne Stenlund is also a member of the Stockholm Strauss Orchestra, Sergelkvartetten (Sergel Quartet), and the Meng Quartet, which in addition to Arne Stenlund includes cellist Klas Gagge and violinists Haiou Meng and Birthe Jonsson. The Meng Quartet was formed in 2000 and has toured China and more.